Tuesday 28 February 2012


After a very long 7 hour plane trip to Singapore we are all now waiting for a further 5 hours in the airport to get to Dehli. We will arrive at 5:45 local Dehli time so desperately hoping for time at the hotel for a nap!
Missing everyone already but excited about the adventure ahead. Love to all xxxx

Saturday 25 February 2012

Last Day In Ulverstone!

This is my last day in Ulverstone, it has been a characteristic Tasmanian day, 26 degrees and sweltering hot and then humid rain clouds dumping water just as you walk outside! I have began to really notice everything around me, things which before were taken for granted.

Driving in George, my car, over the hill into the Gawler valley a wonderful panorama spread before me of the Dial Range with its rugged mountain sides covered in red tipped gum trees. A sight I would have seen many a time before but this time it bought a tear to my eye, considering all that will be left behind.

Then there are the more simplistic things like noticing a dew covered spiderweb glistening in the morning sun, golden and so fragile. It had me wondering how I would view things when I get back, whether I would still be the same person, have the same ambitions and dreams.
Whatever happens I will be changed and I feel ready.

Saturday 11 February 2012

My Posting

I have been assigned a posting at Tara International School in the Kullu Valley of Himachel Pradesh. It will be teaching 4-13 year olds English skills and helping with all activities around the school. I personally hope this isn't all I will be doing, I had hoped to be helping at an orphanage or hospital; all of which I am sure will be available if I look around for it. My partner is Courtney and our journey together should be an interesting one!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

20 sleeps to go!!!!

It certainly is getting close now, I have begun to count down the days! changed the donations into American dollars today, it amounts to $925 US and I must remember not to leave it in my pocket when I wash my shorts, the paper would fall to bits.....very impractical! It will be so great to go over and hand my host the money, knowing all of it will end up being used as it was intended, not lost in organisation cost sheets. Also took a huge two bags of produce to the salvos today so hopefully there will be some nice salads for the homeless in the days to come. Love you all xxxx