This is my last day in Ulverstone, it has been a characteristic Tasmanian day, 26 degrees and sweltering hot and then humid rain clouds dumping water just as you walk outside! I have began to really notice everything around me, things which before were taken for granted.
Driving in George, my car, over the hill into the Gawler valley a wonderful panorama spread before me of the Dial Range with its rugged mountain sides covered in red tipped gum trees. A sight I would have seen many a time before but this time it bought a tear to my eye, considering all that will be left behind.
Then there are the more simplistic things like noticing a dew covered spiderweb glistening in the morning sun, golden and so fragile. It had me wondering how I would view things when I get back, whether I would still be the same person, have the same ambitions and dreams.
Whatever happens I will be changed and I feel ready.
Bon Voyage Kate! Hope you have lots of fun and laughs and hot curries! :-) xx